The step-by-step guide to thriving on plants, eating wholesome every day, and choosing vegan for life

Spend less time cooking

Eat wholesome meals without feeling like a full-time cook.

Transition seamlessly

Rock a vegan lifestyle even if your family refuses to eat vegan, too.

Love healthy food

Stop craving foods you don’t want to eat and start craving foods you do want to eat.

Does being vegan just feel hard?

Feel like a failure when you’ve tried to go vegan in the past?

Feel alone because you are the only one in your family making this change?

Can’t get over those cheese and meat cravings and you feel disappointed in yourself?

Just don’t get the nutrition aspect and you feel hungry and tired all the time?

You may have wasted a lot of time, money, and stress trying to be the “perfect vegan.”

You probably found yourself reaching for foods you don’t actually want, feeling lonely in your attempts, and frustrated at yourself for not getting it right. The result is giving up, then giving it another go, then losing steam again and feeling like you just can’t go vegan because of your circumstances.

But guess what. While going vegan may be a challenge, being vegan is a breeze. You absolutely can transition to a fully vegan lifestyle without the heartache, and you can make this change for good

It’s time to go

A self-paced 100% online program to hold your hand and get you to your vegan goals:

Create meals that make you feel good all day long

Go vegan no matter your budget

Optimize your gut and digestion health

  • Feel confident in your lifestyle choices

  • Break your cheese and junk food addictions

  • Go grocery shopping without spending hours reading labels

  • Eat to satisfaction without an extreme diet

  • Break free from the circumstances you think are holding you back

Hi, I’m Hannah!

I’m a lifestyle vlogger, mother of one, and sixteen-year vegan. I've been through it all when it comes to living a vegan lifestyle: extreme diets, non-vegan husband, non-vegan family, full-time work life as a teacher, full-time college student, traveling to various continents, choosing vegan “in the middle of nowhere,” cheese addiction, etc. I am asked constantly about how to live a vegan lifestyle, so I put everything I have learned into this digital course. I want to share with you all the hurdles and how to overcome them. I am passionate about this lifestyle because it brings me healing, life, energy, joy, and big-ass bowls full of plant goodness every single day. I am so grateful for such an abundant lifestyle!

“This course is laid out beautifully and gives you the tools and support to make changes that stick. I feel more equipped to make healthy plant-based meals that work for me.”

- Katie

The Nutritional Experts

I worked with James Marin, RD, EN, and Dahlia Marin, RDN, LD, from Married to Health to create the nutrition aspects of this course, specifically the modules “The Scoop on Plant-Based Nutrition” and “Digestion: Happy Tummy, Happy Life.” James Marin and Dahlia Marin are the co-founders of Married to Health, an integrative dietetic practice that brings together the best in medical nutrition therapy to bridge the gaps in health maintenance, disease prevention, and disease reversal, when possible. They specialize in gut health and plant-based nutrition.

The Curriculum

You got this


Let me hold your hand


Go Vegan for good and love it


You got this 🔅 Let me hold your hand 🔅 Go Vegan for good and love it 🔅

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Ready to go vegan for good?

Go vegan for good today!


  • This is a 100% online, self-paced program. You can go as fast or as slow as you want! However, because there is so much important information packed into each module, I personally recommend taking the video lessons one day at a time and going through it more slowly to let all the information set in.

  • Yes! You can access the private community via my website. No social media account is required. You just need the password, which will be given to you via email upon enrollment.

  • No this isn't a subscription based service. Once you have paid in full, you will have life time access to the course material and ebook.

  • We are not offering any paperback options in an effort to cut down on physical products being created. The ebook and workbook are delivered in a PDF form so you can print off pages at home or have the book printed and bound at a local copy center like Staples or FedEx Kinkos. I have not added any unnecessary images in the workbook, so it is very printer friendly.

  • Most definitely! There is a reason you stopped your vegan lifestyle, right? This course is specifically designed to go vegan for life. You will be able to identify why you stopped and then you’ll have the tools to stay vegan for good this time.

  • Since you will have immediate access to the Vegan for Good course videos and downloadable materials, we cannot issue refunds. If you have any questions not answered here before you purchase, please email to inquire. We are happy to assist you!

  • Yes! First, some questions. How long have you been vegan? Do you feel like everything has clicked? Are you eating mostly processed foods or do you want to learn how to eat whole plant foods? Do you feel confident and at ease in this lifestyle choice? Do you still have questions, doubts, or fears? Do you struggle with the social aspect? Do you struggle with what to eat to feel your best? Having enough energy? Understanding nutrition and gut health?

    If these are struggles for you, I do recommend enrolling. Many people go vegan for a few months or even a couple years. But this course will help you stay vegan for life.

  • Yes! None of the recipes require gluten or wheat ingredients.

  • Yes! Only two recipes call for soy products (tofu). One is a tofu scramble and mashed chickpeas can easily replace it. And the other is baked peanut tofu, and you can easily include beans or lentils instead. Email or ask in the community page for ideas on how to swap out soy products in vegan recipes.

  • All prices on the site are in USD. If you're purchasing internationally, the price you pay may be more or less depending on the currency rates.